
8 years old, 48 inches tall and 62 lbs...

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Laundry time

Great. My mommy teaching me how to do laundry. Another chore I have to go weekly. $10 allowance better be worth it. Hmmm 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Clem's bday

We celebrated Clem's bday this last weekend at a park. Hula was her theme. She's now 5. We played frisbee, kiting, piƱata and ball. So much fun. 

Summer swim lessons

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Happy birthday mr Boran

Last week was my jujitsu teacher's bday. He's taught me for the last 3 years. He's a cool guy. 

My mom

Happy Mother's Day to my favorite mom! I love you. Today I treated her to boba and chicken. Then I went to go see the huntsman movie with her. Her pick. It wasn't that bad. It was a great day for us. ❤️❤️❤️

Swim lessons

My mom thinks I need to learn to swim better. Yay! Not! Ok let's see how this is.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Spring break 2016

Spending my spring break in San Diego. Even though it's overcast, I am in the pool. Always a good day for pool. 

Mission San Luis Rey de Francia

On my spring break we are checking out this mission. I am reporting on it for my school project. I have learned so much about it. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

She misses me

We were up in Portland visiting my cousin, Clem, rose and uncle Thomas. She hugged me as if I was going to leave. She missed me. Haha I missed her too

Mellow Sunday

Spending my Sunday at the public library reading. Getting a little education on the weekends.